About Us
The Endora team is a diverse group of researchers, activists, artists, programmers, technicians, human rights workers, journalists, and clinic escorts that come from all over the country and the world, have worked in every aspect of bodily autonomy, and believe that everybody deserves to be able to live their life safely. We are all very concerned about the escalating attacks on marginalized communities in the US, and started this work because we thought it was critical to set up some infrastructure to protect and prepare the most vulnerable people who are being attacked the most frequently.
The need for our work grew out of direct requests from the abortion movement to address issues that there weren’t existing solutions to - from identification of bad actors, collection of online evidence, and warning of upcoming events, to basic guidance on digital and documentation protocols. In helping with these issues, we saw the overlap between extremists targeting abortion and other movements, and that the bellwether of extremism could be seen where bad actors target the most marginalized communities - those who focus on bodily autonomy - abortion, LGBTQIA+, racial justice, disability, and sex worker rights advocates. By focusing on these groups, learning from their existing practices, helping them map their threats, preparing for potential incidents, and building connections with messaging teams, legal assistance, and like minded supporters in their community, we can build the infrastructure to push back against these attacks.